News & Media
PSA members are taking industrial action following the refusal of the NZ Defence Force to lift pay f…
The Government is putting at risk all the progress that is being made to improve the lives of Māori …
127 MRI technologists, sonographers, administrators, and others at Pacific Radiology will strike on …
Another broken promise - more to come
Government spending cuts mean frontline workers in Auckland w…
Government funding cuts are forcing the Salvation Army to propose axing a range of roles including s…
PSA members at social housing and service provider Visionwest will strike for fair pay from 10am to …
The Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi extends its condolences to the Kiingitan…
Unfocused, wide ranging voluntary redundancies at Te Whatu Ora will further destabilise public healt…
The ‘tough on crime’ Government is forcing the Serious Fraud Office to cut funding and jobs, undermi…
Unions representing care and support workers flatly reject the pay equity methodology report release…
The Government’s decision to scrap a law requiring local councils to promote the long-term well-bein…
97 social workers, administrators, and home healthcare coordinators at social housing and service pr…
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