• Posted on: 11/06/2022
  • 1 minute to read
  • Tagged with: PSA

The International Labour Organisation has backed New Zealand’s plan to create Fair Pay Agreements, putting to rest Business NZ’s desperate and misguided attempts to discredit them.

PSA national secretary, Kerry Davies says, “Now that Business NZ’s attempts to block Fair Pay Agreements in a respected international body have failed, we hope they will put aside their opposition and work constructively with government and unions to promote fair working conditions for all working Kiwis.

Fair Pay Agreements will provide a foundation for workers in many sectors, leading to healthier communities and the ability for employers to attract and retain the workforce they need.

It’s a win-win situation. We all want our country to be a desirable place to live, work and do business. Fair Pay Agreements are a sensible step to make that a reality for all of us.

If Business NZ continue their rabid and disingenuous campaign to scupper them, it will prove that they do not have the best interests of our society or economy at heart.”

The International Labour Organisation is a tripartite agency of the United Nations. It brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 member States  to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for everyone.