Did you know that as a PSA member, you are eligible to join HealthCarePlus, a not-for-profit organisation, co-owned by the PSA to support your wellbeing.
HealthCarePlus gives eligible union members (and their families) the chance to be part of a uniquely generous and affordable healthcare scheme that’s designed to benefit you in everyday life – not just when you’re sick.
So now, you can get even more out of your PSA membership... and get more support and protection for you and your family’s health.
If you're a PSA member and not yet a HealthCarePlus Member, why not take a closer look?
PSA members and their families have individual needs and expectations when it comes to the provision of healthcare. With this in mind, HealthCarePlus has partnered with UniMed to provide eligible PSA members access to three of UniMed's Primary Care Plans, which range from basic coverage—Primary Care—to the most comprehensive plan, Primary Care Extra.
All pre-existing conditions are covered and you can get free access to a health and wellbeing program.
Primary Care
Affordable day-to-day health support - get cover up to $1,400 collectively for optical, GP cost, specialist & test, and complementary medical. And many more benefits from just $4.02* per week.
Primary Care Extra
Our most comprehensive ‘day-to-day’ package - get cover up to $2,200 collectively for dental, optical, GP costs, specialist & test, mole mapping, vaccinations and complementary medical. Plus many more benefits from just $7.01* per week.
Cost efficient cover, for the things you really need - get cover up to $1,000 collectively for dental, optical, GP costs, specialist & test, and complementary medical from just $4.42* per week.
To compare benefits & cover between the three day to day plans, please click here.
Primary Care, Primary Care Extra & #care4U are exclusively available to PSA members and is underwritten by Union Medical Benefits Society Ltd (UniMed) who has been contracted by HealthCarePlus to manage their 'day to day' health care plans and Hospital Select, a hospital cover plan. HealthCarePlus is a not-for-profit society owned by the Education Unions and the PSA.
Financial Strength: Union Medical Benefits Society Limited (UniMed) has been given an A (Excellent) insurer financial rating by AM Best. AM Best's ratings are as follows: Secure: A++, A+ (Superior); A, A- (Excellent); B++, B+ (Good) Vulnerable: B, B- (Fair); C++, C+(Marginal); C, C- (Weak); D (Poor); E (Under Regulatory Supervision); F (In Liquidation); S (Suspended).
* This is the weekly premium paid by a single insured adult aged between 18 and 45, as at 01 April 2024.
Hospital Select
A comprehensive hospital cover plan attractively priced for PSA members
HealthCarePlus offers an exclusive hospital insurance plan with enhanced benefits:
Hospital cover with unlimited cover* for general surgery and oral surgery
Cover for many pre-existing conditions after you have been insured for three years**
- Cover for Specialist consultations, test/investigations associated with surgery or hospital admission and cancer treatment including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
NOTE: Premiums are effective as at 1 April 2024 and are GST inclusive. Premiums may be adjusted annually. The Hospital Select premiums provided are indicative only and are based on a $500 excess. When two adults are on the same policy both adult premiums are calculated on the age of the youngest adult. Premiums will be based on actual age, gender at birth and any excess selected.
Hospital Select is underwritten by Union Medical Benefits Society Ltd (UniMed) who has been contracted by HealthCarePlus to manage their 'day to day' health care plans and Hospital Select, a hospital cover plan. HealthCarePlus is a not-for-profit society owned by the Education Unions and the PSA.
Financial Strength: Union Medical Benefits Society Limited (UniMed) has been given an A (Excellent) insurer financial rating by AM Best. AM Best's ratings are as follows: Secure: A++, A+ (Superior); A, A- (Excellent); B++, B+ (Good) Vulnerable: B, B- (Fair); C++, C+(Marginal); C, C- (Weak); D (Poor); E (Under Regulatory Supervision); F (In Liquidation); S (Suspended).
To find out more, visit the Hospital Select page here, or click below to book a free, no obligation appointment with a financial adviser
HealthCarePlus is a not-for-profit organisation, owned by the education unions and the PSA to make the benefits of your union membership go even further.
HealthCarePlus is committed to working with Member Unions to improve the Physical, Mental and Financial Health and Wellbeing of their Members and Whānau.
E ū ana a HealthCarePlus kia mahitahi ai me ōna Mema Uniana kia piki ake te Oranga Tinana, te Oranga Wairua/Hinengaro me te Oranga Ahumoni, ā, me te Oranga Katoa o ō rātou Mema me ō rātou Whānau.
We're not here for profit... we're only here for you. From starting life as the Education Benevolent Society Incorporated in 1963, to the holistic, integrated network of benefits that we offer today - we were created by unions, for members - to maximise the genuine, long-term value that your union membership, can bring.
So, supporting and lifting the physical, mental and financial wellbeing of the union members is the simple mission that defines us.
Learn more about HealthCarePlus’s healthcare bundle
Whether it's fitness, diet, sleep, social connections or competition, GoodForYou take a holistic approach to getting the most out of your life. Find out more.